30 March 2009

Bangi - Lukut - Bangi

Arrived at MTDC late but managed to find parking. Don distributed ride tulips so I made a mental note to try stay in a group because I'm lousy with directions. Don, in his briefing said that the terrain is similar to the coming 2nd day Interstate ride.

The ride mostly rolling hills from Bangi. When you reach Sendayan it begins to get tiring and I'm glad to reach Lukut. I grew up in Lukut so it's nice to be there again after 13-15 years! My roti parata arrived late so there was no time for sight seeing. After fueling up I try to follow Vong and his group.

The ride was Ok in the begining. I drank lots of water and managed to stay with the group. 20Km to finish the pace got faster and I was trying to hang on. I was hydrated but low on fuel. 5km to the car park I got nothing in my legs. Reach car few minutes before 1PM.

Max Speed: 58.3, Time: 4h 31m, Distance 121.74km, Average Speed: 26.9Km/h

Update 03.04.2009;

Coordinates for MTDC is N02°55.533' E101°46.235'

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