11 January 2008

11 January 2008 Hulu Langat

Went to Hulu Langat alone after couple of weeks of no activity. This is my second ride, the first with PCC. this time it feels 'easier'. It took me 1hr 18 min to reach the Selangor-N.Sembilan border. If you start the climb at 8.30am you get to see magnificent view of the mountain range. The valley below was covered in mist and the mountains in the distance looks like snow capped with their tip covered in clouds.

The let down of the trip is my Garmin GPS software crashed when I reach home. All the data gone! I have to reinstall the program and upgraded to a newer version( XX.XX.60). So far the performance is good. Better and faster lock... indoors!

I've been emailing Klaus Bechtold of GPSies.com for him to include Nokia Sport Tracker GPX files in his converter so that I can view the ride detail in Garmin Training Center. Please visit his site.

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