19 November 2007

Presidential Ride 2007

Weekend was spent riding up to Genting Sempah on my full suspension. Everything feels slower on this bike.

Sunday it's Presidential ride. 1st loop was OK. Crashed less that 15 min of starting because and idiot bang into my handlebar. Second loop I was suffering. Regret didn't take extra water for my rehydration salt because feels like a cramp coming. At one point I have no more water and the weather was hot. Had my big crash on the second loop. My front tire stuck on a rut and I fell on my side taking some skin off my arm.

At check point 2 I managed to refill, take care of my arm and fill my bottle with rehydration salt. On to check point 3. Here I managed to do OK on the downhills but still have to walk down many sections because I have no confidence and getting tired. the uphills also OK but it's faster to walk up then bike up.

3KM before check point 3 I bump into Patrick, my ride buddy from Klang. He's the marshal for the event I think. So glad to see check point 3. I thought I went over the cutoff time but I didn't. Happy to get my 3rd sticker within the cutoff time as that's my target I set for myself at the starting line.

After that I decided to take the Chicken (escape) loop to the start/finish area. I was thinking the chicken loop will be short but it was an energy sapping 18KM through estates, road, housing area and even a couple of tunnels! My body badly want to stop but I have no choice. Push push push.

Reached my car at 1.45PM feeling hungry, tired and blur! I waited for the lucky draw but I was feeling so tired and with my back aching, I decided to go back. 1 hour later I was enjoying a hot meal on a comfortable chair.

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