Saturday ride was to Genting Sempah only as we had a guy joining us after 2 years of not riding. At around kilometer 10, Wilson called me and said he and the new friend is not continuing! I forgot I'm on clipless and forgot to unclip when stopping to attend to Wilson's call. Thanks God I set the pedal tension to the lowest and managed to bail out on time. But the bike fell! Ouch!
My ride didn't feel good. It feels like a longer ride. A bit disappointed that I cannot catch or follow closely with Dennis and Hon Wai after my 'fast' night ride. I timed 56 min to reach Genting Sempah from Orang Asli hospital. So this will be my benchmark for my next ride to Genting Sempah.
21 October 2007
17 October 2007
17 October 2007
Today I wash my cycling cloves. I don't know when was the last time I wash them! Thinking about replacing them with full finger gloves. Not a bad since I registered for the PCC Presidential Ride 2007...I need all the protection!
Yesterdays night ride was great. I was able to keep up with the main group and even pass some of the regulars on the hills. Beside hill training in Peres & Genting Sempah, one of the contributing factor in to this improvement is my switch from flat to clipless pedal. I can spin like a mad man without worrying about my feet coming off the pedal.
Max speed: 59KM/H, Distance: 26.31KM, Actual ride time:1h 9m, Average speed:22KM/H
Comparing above statistic with my 21 August ride, I improved by 3 min only! So disappointing. But compare to my first ride on 7 August it's 14 min improvement.
Yesterdays night ride was great. I was able to keep up with the main group and even pass some of the regulars on the hills. Beside hill training in Peres & Genting Sempah, one of the contributing factor in to this improvement is my switch from flat to clipless pedal. I can spin like a mad man without worrying about my feet coming off the pedal.
Max speed: 59KM/H, Distance: 26.31KM, Actual ride time:1h 9m, Average speed:22KM/H
Comparing above statistic with my 21 August ride, I improved by 3 min only! So disappointing. But compare to my first ride on 7 August it's 14 min improvement.
14 October 2007
14 October 2007
Today I joined PPC road first time. I'm beginning to get frustrated with PCC mountain bike division for organizing rides in far away places which takes 50+KM drive just to get to the trail.
Today's ride started with a 25KM drive to Hulu Langat. From there it's to Genting Peres and to a town called Titi. Almost half of us decided to turn back after climbing Genting mood mah! The ride was something like Genting Sempah but with short steep climbs. The first 15KM is flat with some rolling hills.
Max speed:53.5KM/H, Distance:55KM, Total riding time:2h 8m, Average speed:25.7KM/H
Really fast pace!

Today also I tried out riding on a clipless pedal. I took me 2 days to get the setup right and when I use it today, there were minimum problem. some of my right leg toes went a bit numb but nothing too serious. :)
Today's ride started with a 25KM drive to Hulu Langat. From there it's to Genting Peres and to a town called Titi. Almost half of us decided to turn back after climbing Genting mood mah! The ride was something like Genting Sempah but with short steep climbs. The first 15KM is flat with some rolling hills.
Max speed:53.5KM/H, Distance:55KM, Total riding time:2h 8m, Average speed:25.7KM/H
Really fast pace!

Today also I tried out riding on a clipless pedal. I took me 2 days to get the setup right and when I use it today, there were minimum problem. some of my right leg toes went a bit numb but nothing too serious. :)
08 October 2007
08 October 2007
Last week was crap! The only thing that I did was my work related tasks. Personal life zero! Thursday I suppose to fix my little heart problem but end up working till 9PM.
Weekend sucked too. No riding. Didn't do most of the stuff that I supposed to do. But on Sunday I managed to ride for 1 hr on my trainer. 2 sets of 3-2-1 interval is all that I can do instead of my regular 4 sets. But the good news is no more irregular heartbeat.
Thinking about getting a new cell phone to upgrade my existing one and to document my cycling. Options are Nokia N73 or N80. No more Sony Ericsson for me. If you beginning to see photos in this blog, it means I got a new camera phone. :-)
Weekend sucked too. No riding. Didn't do most of the stuff that I supposed to do. But on Sunday I managed to ride for 1 hr on my trainer. 2 sets of 3-2-1 interval is all that I can do instead of my regular 4 sets. But the good news is no more irregular heartbeat.
Thinking about getting a new cell phone to upgrade my existing one and to document my cycling. Options are Nokia N73 or N80. No more Sony Ericsson for me. If you beginning to see photos in this blog, it means I got a new camera phone. :-)
03 October 2007
3 October 2007
Today I can only cycle on the stationery bicycle for 20 min. It was super hot in my air-con-less gym and I'm experiencing irregular heart beat since Sunday! Plan to work the old heart again tomorrow and see if there's any improvement or not!
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