The day started witt a lot of waiting for the riders. 7 riders showed up. The ride suppose to start at 7am but we only managed to get the tires rolling close to 8am!
The first 50km the pace was slightly fast for me. The front group was doing 34km/h but I was not far behind. Goot thing they stop for a while near Broga. Then it was fast& furious up the first climb. The highlight was the ride down. I clocked over 70km/h! My fastest speed!
Then we took a break at the food stall before the Bukit tangga climb. One of the rider had a puncture so the break took longer but I was not complaining...I need all the rest just to stay with this seasoned Broga riders.
Ride up Bukit tangga was not as painful as I experienced 2 years ago on a mountain bike! I stayed within my limits and came down the hill at 55km/h with some scary crosswinds!
We took another break at Klawang town. Then its the long ride back up Perez! Half way climbing...the speed was like 7km/h..I started to talk to myself. Some motivation talk, some bits of song lyrics..then a guy on a motorbike came beside me and asked directions to Genting! Unreal!
5km to the top it looked like it going to pour but the skies managed to hold up and reached the top in one piece. Never been so happy to see BN logo in my life! I also broke 4000km mileage during this ride which was my target for 2009.
Max speed: 70.6km/h, Time on the saddle: 5h 50m, Distance:137.83km, Average speed: 23.6km/h