Saturday I didn't feel like riding alone to Cyberjaya so I stayed in bed and SMS Vong for ride on Sunday because the latest PCC newsletter was not out.
On Sunday I joined PCC to Puncak Alam. I rode from home, going through Assuntha Hosp, Jln 222, Kg Tunku, SS24, Bikepro, Sprint highway, Centerpoint. 12KM.
Arrived at Centerpoint early so bought 100+ and a bun which turn out to be a good thing. Our regroup point for the day was roughly at KM 50 of 75! Imagine speeding through Guthrie highway, then climbing up hills in Puncak Alam all on 2 slice of bread and Milo!
Surprisingly I didn't bonk, thanks to the 100+ and the cloudy weather. If it was sunny for sure I'd bonked. Even after the regroup, my energy levels were up and I was speeding (by my standard!) to reach Centerpoint.
Max speed: 52.2, Time: 3h 40min, Distance 95.23KM, Average speed: 25.8
Note: GPS software crashed!