15 February 2009

LTdL 2009 Stage 5

Good thing I stopped and asked the security about the route because the riders are coming from the road going down instead of the normal road.

More photos at Flickr.

The athletes were amazing but was was more amazing is the fans who cycle up to watch the stage and then ride back in the hot afternoon sun. I salute them!

08 February 2009

Hottest Day of 2009

Today must be the hottest day of 2009!

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From home to Centerpoint

Went to Batu Arang up north with PCC. At first I thought the ride is about 75KM but later was informed at Bt Arang regroup that it's 95KM! Ride back was a torture. It was super hot which made my heart rate to go higher than usual.

Many thanks to Vong and his friend with Power meter for leading our group from Batu Arang to Guthrie highway.

After Centerpoint I was alone, nobody to draft but somehow managed to ride at a steady pace but it was hard. This ride back reminds me of IS02 second day, super hot, no shade ride.

Max speed: 58.8KM/h, Duration: 4h 40m, Distance: 121.32KM, Average speed: 25.9KM/h

02 February 2009

Puncak Alam Ride

Saturday I didn't feel like riding alone to Cyberjaya so I stayed in bed and SMS Vong for ride on Sunday because the latest PCC newsletter was not out.

On Sunday I joined PCC to Puncak Alam. I rode from home, going through Assuntha Hosp, Jln 222, Kg Tunku, SS24, Bikepro, Sprint highway, Centerpoint. 12KM.

Arrived at Centerpoint early so bought 100+ and a bun which turn out to be a good thing. Our regroup point for the day was roughly at KM 50 of 75! Imagine speeding through Guthrie highway, then climbing up hills in Puncak Alam all on 2 slice of bread and Milo!

Surprisingly I didn't bonk, thanks to the 100+ and the cloudy weather. If it was sunny for sure I'd bonked. Even after the regroup, my energy levels were up and I was speeding (by my standard!) to reach Centerpoint.

Max speed: 52.2, Time: 3h 40min, Distance 95.23KM, Average speed: 25.8

Note: GPS software crashed!